Things She Rarely Gets From Me

My wife Jeanne rates many things she rarely gets from me
Like mink, sable and Persian lambs, furs of luxury
She never gets antiques from me or other valued old-ens
I seldom bog her down with things diamondy or golden

How valuable those riches are, are difficult to measure
But I believe my love for Jeanne is far the greater treasure
So Jeanne, my dear, I hope you're in accord with me
Those things compared to my love for you are merely just debris

by Stan Cooper...10/6/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 676 times
Written on 2009-10-13 at 15:14

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Your gift are the greatest
and the most shiny one
and I bet it sparkels when
the stars shine

I like this.. poems like this matters..

melanie sue
Nice poem, Stan. I like the sentiments you expressed so very well. I like that word "debris". It is a very good word, especially the way you used it.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
That which you give your Jeanne , is beyond meear trilets , cant be bourt at a store or at Southerbis , you give her your love , your friendship , and you some times take your hat of when you goo to bed!
Cheers , Stan ,