I'm Not At All Old

I'm not at all old
I've just lived a long time
I put my aging on hold
And remain in youthful prime

It seems factual when I say it
I think I believe it's true
But will Father Time okay it
When about my need, he has no clue

So I must clue the old guy in
And insist that he agree
To allow me more time to begin
Recapturing my young espirit

by Stan Cooper...10/14/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 640 times
Written on 2009-10-19 at 16:38

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melanie sue
State of mind effects State of body.
Loved this, Stan. :)

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Your as old or young at hart as old as your mind. May you out live Enoch , young , Stan.

Ken :)

like this one
humor and with a twinkle in the eye
but also with a quietly serious undertone
as I read it

anyway I like

I'm starting to believe this, must be getting old! I agree with your sentiments, I too am putting my aging on hold, nice one Stan as always, as Bob Dylan says "forever young."