Euphemisms or Goofy-isms

Some very common euphemisms
Are nothing more than goofy-isms
Those who once bought "used cars"
Now purchase "pre-owned" stars

"Civilian casualties" can now be bandaged
By reporting them as collaterally damaged
We hate to think that a friend has "died"
He's "passed on" we more easily take in stride

We hesitate to refer to someone as "short and fat"
"Vertically and horizontally challenged" is where he's at
Don't use the word "kill", it might traumatize
We're more comfortable with saying he's been "marginalized

We don't "fire" an employee, we "let him go"
Keeping us on a guiltless plateau
These are examples of just some euphemisms
Which I'm sure you'll agree are just goofy-isms

by Stan Cooper...11/25/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 857 times
Written on 2009-11-29 at 07:17

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How time and language have changed, I recognise it all!Thanks for the sunday smile.

Dan Cederholm

Well done Stan, and the picture
of the text (LOL) we dont fire him
we let him go . . . LOL superb
this is goofy-isms



melanie sue
As always, you said it well. Excellent and HONEST. Love your work, Stan. :)