When I Go To Hell

When I go to hell, I'll hope it's wintery cold
It's usually hot there, so I've been told
When hell freezes over, I'll try to arrive
For I prefer freezing to burning alive

I hope that old devil Satan will accommodate me
With tenderized steaks and flasks of Chablis
Desert of ice-cream, butter pecan
A very firm mattress to sleep and dream on

If this can't be arranged, I'll refuse to stay
No sense in staying if I can't live my way
Back to earth I'll come for forever and then
My hellish days on Earth will start over again

by Stan Cooper...12/4/09 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 691 times
Written on 2009-12-10 at 21:31

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As Mark Twain said:
Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company :)

Purple Phoenix
Love it Stan, mmmm steaks and icecream, throw in a pool and a flat screen tv and I'm there! Haha! xx

Steaks, chablis and icecream, tempting! Great little piece as always, I liked the way it was written, with no definite ending, leaving it open for you to come and haunt the earth again!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
See you thire , I sve a place by the deepest snow drift , Stan , chuckle.

melanie sue
What fun! To be reincarnated again and again and go in circles and circles and circles....wheeee

I like how you posed this interesting little piece. It is cute and reads with a nice flow. Thanks for posting it.