The first part of a short story (2nd part to follow soon)....

A day less ordinary

It was Tuesday, again. That day between week's beginning ("Ah, the horror!") and Wednesday ("Just two more days!"). Gordon Bennett was well into his daily paper-shredding routine at the Department for Top Secret National Issues. He had been there, shredding paper, for longer than he could remember, and by now he knew that there was nothing, nor would there ever be, thrilling about working in that anonymous gray building. The only thing that might raise an eyebrow was the fact that the Department for Top Secret National Issues was allowed to have windows in its supposedly top secret domain. Gordon Bennett, having worked there for longer than he could (or wanted to) remember had realized the hard truth after approximately two weeks of work: 99,9% of the top secret stuff was rubbish, and of absolutely no use to anyone with a malign intention. So he had spent his years very carefully destroying papers that would have made no harm had they been left intact, hoping in vain for that 0,01% which justified his work. And sure, he had stumbled upon it on occasion, lighting a spark of interest, raising the pulse a few beats, only to soon fall back into the same old treadmill. After all, there was a reason why the secret papers were to be destroyed and not stored, usually that they were out of date, and thus they made rather boring reading even on those rare occasions when he found them. So you could say that he lived the colorless life of a gold-digger who knows he won't find any gold but keeps on digging nonetheless.

However, all that was about to change this very Tuesday...

Short story by Soulfire
Read 436 times
Written on 2010-05-13 at 09:53

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