Just a short peek into the world of creation...

On film-making

Creating a movie holds many similarities to how most people experience life: a lot of work for those magical moments, moments that make it all worthwhile. Just like in real life, there are a lot of interesting things to experience, people to meet and things to learn. At the moment I'm part of a film team which has just finished the first week of shooting a movie with four more to go. I'm not sure you can call it a honeymoon, but any possible ice is definitely broken, we're well into work and eager to make this as good as humanly possible at the same time as we have to keep things rolling in terms of practical solutions and our own reality, and that's something to take with us to our lives back home (notice how I avoid the horrible term "everyday life" whenever possible): how the magic of life is, and has to be, created through honest efforts and not by a wand waved by some fairy from Happyland. A movie is put together by many single efforts which in themselves may not look much, but the final result, constituting of these very parts, is something never seen before. I believe the happiest moments of our lives are created the same way: mix passion, hard work and devotion, add a sane amount of madness and the result will go beyond your highest expectations. Talk about the magic of life being a guided tour into the unknown; fear not, my dear, just dare and be accordingly rewarded...(oh, and there's no escape from doing the laundry, it simply has to be done, so in Hollywood, so in Bonn).

Words by Soulfire
Read 435 times
Written on 2010-06-20 at 12:57

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