My thoughts on the gift of life too often reduced to the term "everyday life". Routines are good, but they're meant to support our lives, not tearing them down. Take care out there...


This morning I woke up once again, and once again I chose to live. I chose to take a walk around the lake when I could've stayed in bed worrying about aging and the physical consequences of it. Then I chose to eat when I could've skipped breakfast, and then to work on my computer even though it's Sunday and no-one's forcing me. When I drove to the city I did so in a safe way, and as I reached my destination I chose to interact with my fellow humans and animals in a constructive way. I chose to act with honor instead of decadence and I chose kindness instead of rudeness. I did not steal anything, nor did I rape, beat up or kill anyone. Not even in my mind did I harbor negative thoughts or feelings, instead I forced myself to choose the opposite, knowing the enormous power of thought. I concentrated on the future, which is constantly subject to change instead of the past, which I can't change in a million years.

Tonight I lend my ear to a close friend who is going through some hard stuff, hoping that it helped and mourning that I can't do more than that. For I am no Superman or Mr. Perfect. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth and I'm definitely no saint. It's just that I appreciate the gift of life and strive to create magic in the naive conviction that when I set up a goal, I will create the tools to get me there. This helps me creating my life on a daily basis so that it takes me one step closer to the desired outcome and allows me to savor every moment. There are so many possibilities, so many choices, that there really is no such thing as everyday. It's all just one dynamic flow with 24-hour intervals. Keep creating your affluence.

Poetry by Soulfire
Read 428 times
Written on 2010-08-01 at 23:30

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