
I love
In their eighties
So lovely and beguiling
The thought of them keeps me smiling

Young ladies in their seventies I'm not mad about
They're much too wild and much too gad-about
Those in their sixties and below
I must in all good sense fore-go

So all you ladies who are eighty-ish
Lovely, maturely shapely-ish
Rest assured you're in my sight
You've re-ignited my inner light

by Stan Cooper...10/19/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 798 times
Written on 2010-10-29 at 02:02

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melanie sue
This poem is ADORABLE! I just love it. Nice write Stan, very nice. Thanks for sharing all the good stuff you create. It is all good. :)

You made me smile as always Stan, it looks like Sophia Loren in the pic a lovely natural beauty. I'm afraid I'm not in your category quite yet Stan.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Put me in mind of May West , who beguiled , men more than half her age.

I had fun reading it. Made me smile. I should try eighty-ish ladies now :-P