Music Written Classically

Music written classically
Is rarely played half-ass-edly
The notes so flat and sharp
Were never tuned with half a heart

Concertos for the fiddle
Are not just idle diddle
Music of Brahms, Mozart and Bach
Certainly more lasting than Roll and Rock

There is nothing classical more pulsating
Than Beethoven's rhythmic pace, so sustaining
And no better musical master man
Than melodic maestro Frederic Chopin

Debussy's haunting Clare de Lune
Is Claude's romantic classic tune
Clare de Lune's just out of sight
As it engulfs our soul with sheer delight

Now my classic case I rest
I cited only a few of the best
The classics, wonderfully sublime
To be enjoyed till the end of time

by Stan Cooper...10/25/10 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 796 times
Written on 2010-11-02 at 13:21

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great poem, S.,....................
P.S. I find Claire de Lune one of the most sensual works ever

melanie sue
Bravo! Clap! Clap! Clap!(I quite agree, but still......there's some good ole "classic" rock and roll that will forever be timeless daughter can attest) :)

kip descriptive i could see the music, the symphony in your words