
The lure of their soft sensuous lips
The wiggle of their shapely hips
The mystery of their cleavage bared
Leave us old guys lustily ensnared

For male oldies, so foolish and so lecherous
Feigning macho can be unhealthy and quite treacherous
From youthful days to now, there's too much differentia
To ignore this fact might just be pure dementia

Perhaps we need a dose of actuality
To bring us to what now is factuality
We'd have no need for our lecherous disguise
If the gals would just take notice of us macho antique guys

by Stan Cooper...1/9/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 718 times
Written on 2011-01-14 at 17:54

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Nancy Sikora
Wonderful poetic license. Differentia, factuality... great words!

melanie sue
Ah!Another wonderful piece....thank you so much for sharing this. I understand this so well, thanks to the "help" of my brother who discusses stuff like this with me, lol.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Desire , lechery sides of the same coin me thinks , Stan , wink , age dos not the harder demise , nor diminish , the eye olders , the glint sparkles less , but sparkles all the same , we olderd have our memory's that we can look back '' we rember when........! )
Ken D Williams :)