Brain Abuse

My brain has its own mind
Over which I've no control
It seems it's totally so inclined
To thwart my each and every goal

When I wish to sleep, it stays awake
Bombarding me with data stuff
When I agree to then partake
It disagreeably signals I've had enough

Unfortunately, I can't break loose
I'm stuck with its mentality
And tend to blame this brain abuse
For my psycho split personality

by Stan Cooper...2/22/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 739 times
Written on 2011-03-11 at 20:05

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dott Print text Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
hehehe can only relate too well :) Very funny :)

I'm sure everyone's gone through this at some point! And it's so very, very frustrating... I hope you manage to get a goodnight's sleep henceforth without your brain keeping you awake! ;D

Amusing poem, and much appreciated!

I'm sure everyone's gone through this at some point! And it's so very, very frustrating... I hope you manage to get a goodnight's sleep henceforth without your brain keeping you awake! ;D

Amusing poem, and much appreciated!

John Ashleigh
Full of hilarity, as always. This deserves an applaud, my friend.


melanie sue
LOVE IT! I am in tears....the kind from laughing too hard.
Thanks, Stan.

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
HI Stan , a great write. Got me too thinking , and typing. Thank you , mate.

Ken ( D Williams )