The Doubting Solipsist

The Doubting Solipsist

A solipsist took himself to task
The day he deigned to ask
All those living within his midst
Just who he was; did he exist?

His life had been, until today
Preordained in such a way
That there could be no doubt
'He' was what life was all about.

Our solipsist was now perturbed;
His nagging doubt had disturbed,
And, taken from him, like a thief
His once immovable self-belief.

Since knowledge is not confined
To within the limits of one mind
How do you ascertain what's truth
Who holds the burden of proof.

The 'self alone' does have a place
But, not for all the human race;
Yet, there are people out there
Who need solipsism's rarefied air.

Poetry by Seøn
Read 323 times
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Written on 2011-10-09 at 21:28

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