This piece reflects the environment of suspicion and hate that disabled people are living under in the UK today. We're spied and lied upon from CCTV cameras through to lying politicians.

CCTV Eyes & Lies

Look out for the camera
The government spy
Perched up high
The telltale eye.
Look out for the snitch
Whose curtain will twitch
As surreptitiously
And, viciously
They call the grass line.
Look out for the hack
From the Daily Heil
He'll lie and dissemble
And, his copy
Won't resemble
Your truth.
Look out for ATOS
Who may profess
To be fair
Yet will assess
You fit for work
Though you're dying;
They get paid for lying.
Look out for the MP
Who's after your vote
He'll promise
You heaven,
To float your boat;
For just one more term
The treacherous worm!

Poetry by Seøn
Read 301 times
Written on 2011-10-10 at 16:53

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