Thatcher was, and is, evil incarnate; and, as such, I fancy, will, on her demise, end her days in the fiery pits of Hell. This poem is by way of a warning to Satan of what he can expect when entertaining Margaret Thatcher.

Thatcher at the Pearly Gates

Thatcher at the Pearly Gates

Thatcher came knockin' upon heaven's door,
"Fuck off!" shouted God, "You're rich not poor."
"But, my dad was simply a local grocer",
Said Thatcher as she moved ever closer.

"That's far enough, stand away from the gate,
You're full of contagion, riddled with hate;
You're destined for the other direction,
To that furnace of perpetual correction."

Looking down she mused, "Why regret?
I'll be there with Dennis and Pinochet;
My sins will place me on the top level,
Just behind Churchill, close to the Devil ."

So, smiling she turned from her creator,
"Anyhow, he's agin us...fucking liberal traitor";
Now for those in Hell a word to the wise,
Give her no power or she'll privatise!

Poetry by Seøn
Read 294 times
Written on 2011-10-10 at 16:47

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jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
Far be it from me to wish ill on a person...
She will for sure be reborn as a skint teenager living in some inner city with no prospects...mmm.