Again, with my usual apologies to my English friends


The English sip their daily cups of tea
The French imbibe in grapey wine Chablis
The Japanese love their inebriating Saki
While Italians drown pasta in prime Chianti

The Germans, it appears
Love their lager and their beers
Each and every nation
Retains specificity in libation

Except, of course, us Chug-a-lug Yankees
We guzzle with Chug-a-lug drank-ease
To admit we sip the favorite of that isle so British
Keeps us macho Yanks understandably skittish
But to maintain pride in our nation's diversity
We'll keep on sipping British ad-vers-i-tea

by Stan Cooper...11/25/11 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 886 times
Written on 2011-12-06 at 20:15

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
When tea laded on our shores ,
We limeys had no idea of it ,
We pore hot water over the leaves ,
We then chucked away the hot water ,
We then proceeded to eat the soggy tea leaves ,
We then learnt that we had to drink the piping hot tea water,

We used dainty porcelain tea cups ,
We sipped thus for quite awhile ,
We , well some that is , who were of a more proletarian mind,
Well found jam jars just the job ,
We limeys , had discovered mugs of tea ,
Well all is now his and hers history!
ken ( D Williams )

melanie sue
funny ......the flow was impeccable.... makes me chuckle as I drink from the mug of muddle,


Jalaj Soni
haha funny! :P
Chablis? (sorry, no drinker :P )