It's Criminal


Most male seniors would agree

That once beyond age ninety three

Sex , for sure, is minimal

And mostly it’s subliminal

Damn it, that is criminal

So who the hell needs ninety three

Ninety two will do for me

by Stan Cooper…12/12/12 graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 883 times
Written on 2012-12-22 at 14:12

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Best bet is to follow the lead of the comedian Jack Benny: never exceed 39. It's all just a number anyway.

Happy Holidays,

melanie sue
Reading your work always always brings a chuckle to my day.

Melissa Ormond
Awh! This made me chuckle! Keep writing and smiling!:)

"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
—Matthew 26:41

Alas : (

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
This made me smile,

perhaps you say there is more quality at 93, if a little scarce :-)

Elle x

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Whew! Nicely written, Stan.