Our Annual Delusions

Our Annual Delusions

Delusion one

On that special day

We hear and hope

"Peace on earth


Good will toward men"



Delusion two


Just a few days later

Glasses of bubbly raised high

We hear

And hope

"Happy New Year"

As was heard each year before

And way back when


Keep hoping

It might just work



by Stan Cooper...12/28/12
graphic by Don Hunt

Poetry by Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 814 times
Written on 2013-01-01 at 13:15

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Correct, Stan! I guess, people need to externalise the hope that they feel they have inside. Makes it more plausible.

melanie sue
I read this and raised my glass-a toast to you and your wonderful writings! HAPPY NEW YEAR ESPECIALLY TO YOU, STAN!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
When at this time , all of that is spouted , leaving a bad taste , a ringing in the ears , mouthing hypocrites , cynicism , growing , remembering a day now so long ago , when while world at war , men lade down there guns , found those them charged to kill , sang , joke , plaid a game of sport , them buggers behind the lines , said it were wrong , that them soldgers , should be about there duty , be KILLING KILLING! not be singing of pease! what would the world be , when soldgers should discouver , that those operset , were MEN just like them selfs!

Pardon me , Stan , but your work prest a button.