Portrait of a lady

Describing you is something of a challenge,
since you make a sport of your concealment,
hiding your good looks and covering your hair,
the richest and most beautiful I know,
under the bushel of your veils and shawls,
while you but seldom look into the eyes of others,
as if you saw far too much of them in but a glance,
and usually allowing no one to see yours,
as if you had to cover and protect them
with dark glasses from the ignobility of others' hearts.
Your figure is a problem too, far too well-shaped,
with hips too narrow for a lady, raising the suspicion
that you would be unfit to have children,
which is maybe why you never had any,
while at the same time your appearance is of perfect femininity,
so well proportioned and so graceful in its movements,
so expressive of the softest care and mildness,
raising and inspiring respect and telling of your wisdom,
while at the same time a warning is inspired
of the sensitivity of your dynamics and explosiveness,
like some grenade that could go off at any time.
The message is the clearest possible: "Leave me alone.
Respect me, love me if you want, but don't come near me,
since it's best for you the less you know about me."

Poetry by Christian Lanciai
Read 933 times
Written on 2013-01-27 at 19:07

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The last two lines are a superb finale, capping this wonderful & solid poem with an aptly strong ending. Much truth to take away with each reading. A respectable distance & modicum of privacy allows us a conducive environment to a healthy & positive perspective of each other. Thank you for sharing!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
More the complete woman , I think , Christian.
Ken D :)