A Witchcraft teacher of mine (lesbian herself) challenged me to write a limerick with "lesbian" as one of the rhyming words. OK...

Written in late July, 2006.

Feri Limerick challenge (some might classify 18+)

A rip-roarin' horny dyke lesbian
Set her sights on a comely young thespian.
The Shakespearean lass
Refused every pass
For her interests were purely equestrian!

Poetry by steward
Read 1384 times
Written on 2014-01-30 at 01:56

Tags Challenge  Humor  Flirting 

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LOL ...18+ is the age qualification!! Is there anyone under 18 here? Ok then, I will give you an A for your rhyming ability. :)

I think you did an outstanding job of rhyming and deserve the 18+ (if that means a good grade) LOL. A great limerick and very funny.