Musings from a walk Feb 22 2014

Seasons fight

Clear blue sky

Warm bright sun

Melting all the snow;


Stiff chill breeze

Reminding me

Winter will not let go.

Poetry by steward
Read 1096 times
Written on 2014-02-22 at 22:21

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night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
hihi this one gave me the giggles, especially the last line:D I had the pleasure to see the buds of two snowdrops and then it snowed again:( A now you see them now you don't kind of a experience I once said to a friend that lives in another country, can you please go outside and see see if the sun is over there? Because it's not here:D Thank you for sharing!

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I really like this :-)