A poem for Beltane. Phrases in quotation marks from The Charge of the Goddess by Doreen Valiente.
Beltane Poem 2014 C.E.
"Ye shall be naked in your rites"
But is that purely physical?
Weather varies with the nights
It may be more metaphorical:
"Assemble in some secret place"
That is the first true goal
And show to each your own true face
Bare heart, bare mind, bare soul.
"The ecstasy of the spirit"
And th'true, unceasing mirgh
Let loose your untamed cheer; it
Will bring you "joy on earth".
"Thine inmost divine self shall be unfolded:"
Dance the Universe remolded.
Sonnet by steward
Read 1073 times
Written on 2014-05-24 at 01:46
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