Current Mood:  ;)

Current Music:  ''Top'' - Live


NOTE:  2014 03 14  14H15 EST  Cats at Night (Triolet) - 

Cats at Night (Triolet)


- NSW asked if I wanted to write a triolet... this is what came to mind... I have two young cats... compared to my two twenty-year-old cats who have sadly passed on now, the two 3-year-olds I currenly have are very active little ones...  I love them, but there's this little matter  ...  ;)


In the still of the quiet night

They will suddenly feel the urge

To run around in a right fright

In the still of the quiet night

Chasing; banging; breaking: their rite

About peace you will sing a dirge

In the still of the quiet night

They will suddenly feel the urge



Words by Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 902 times
Written on 2014-03-14 at 19:29

Tags Cats  Triolet 

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night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Aw you captured a perfect moment:) Every time my cat does that and wakes me up as soon as I realize why I woke up I feel a heartwarming smile on my lips, I talk to the cat and fall asleep but your kittens are still young:D lol the only solution would be to play with them a lot exhaust them so by the time it is bedtime for you they also want to sleep:D - for the rest of the night if you are lucky

Oh I also loved the introduction it created the right mood before entering the poem:

" I have two young cats... compared to my two twenty-year-old cats who have sadly passed on now, the two 3-year-olds I currenly have are very active little ones... I love them, but there's this little matter ... ;)"

Well done and thank you for participating!:)

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Forgot to say great picture too. Two very content looking moggies. Both looking satisfactorily pleased with themselves.

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
All I have to say is "Ab...bbby!". Needless to say brought a huge smile. :D

Made me smile, love cats...

Nabeela Altaf
I can completely symapathise you in this matter. My cats do the same :)

Chaucer Whethers
I have a wild rabbit named Vinny who I haven't heard a peep from, and who only rarely moves about far as I have been able to tell.
Hope these wild night cats will spare Vinny should they encounter him upon their midnight revels. ;D

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I have a twenty year old cat - and he has just discovered a new lease of life - this really did make me smile - my cat has this thing about the bathroom and howls - he also has taken to prowling around my bedroom at night - you sound like you are having fun, if not sleepless nights - cats are enchanting :-)

Elle x

This one made me smile. I love cats and have always surrounded myself with one or two. Ohh, but that little stage is too precious to be angry! :)))