tout court: lit. "in short": typically used in philosophy to mean "nothing else", in contrast to a more detailed or extravagant alternative (wikipedia)
Editorial Team
We have created a how-to guide, on how to archive your triolet to the challenge theme & how to find the available writing challenges:
Triolets & You *tout court* Part II
Theme: Of your choice
Until the 14/02 the theme was kisses - the kiss
Time limit? This poetic challenge doesn't have a time limit
Poetic form: Triolet
The triolet is 8 lines long - ABaAabAB
The 1st line is repeated in the 4th & 7th line
The 2nd line is repated in the 8th line
Actual number of original lines = 5
feel free to experiment with the rhyme sheme
According to "The triolet is a short poem of 8 lines with only 2 rhymes used throughout. The 1st line is repeated in the 4th and 7th line; the 2nd line is repeated in the final line; and only the first two end-words are used to complete the tight rhyme scheme. Thus, the poet writes only five original lines, giving the triolet a deceptively simple appearance: ABaAabAB, where capital letters indicate repeated lines."
Your triolet doesn't have to rhyme as described above, just follow the repetition of the lines(1,4,7 2,8).
Optional: Add on your title the following (Triolet Challenge) in order to let other visitors know that you participate in the challenge and who knows they might feel inspired and join our writing challenge or read the rest of the contributions!
1. click My Page
2. click Write text
3. write your text
4. before the Save and Publish button, locate More fun to your text at the bottom, on the right side of the text categories you can choose for your text
5. under More fun to your text, you will see Choose theme, click it and a drop-down menu list to select in which theme you want to place your text will display
6. choose a theme from the drop-down menu list
7. click the Save and Publish button, your text will be joined to the challenge
"Untitled by Robert Bridges
When first we met, we did not guess
That Love would prove so hard a master;
Of more than common friendliness
When first we met we did not guess
Who could foretell the sore distress,
The inevitable disaster,
When first we met? We did not guess
That Love would prove so hard a master."
One of Dante Alighieri's invocations to the muse before beginning to write the divine comedy was:
O Muses, O high genius, aid me now!O memory that engraved the things I saw,Here shall your worth be manifest to all! (Anthony Esolen translation, 2002)
We would like to begin this writing challenge with the following:
"O that we had the art to know
Each man by more than outward show.
To ope the door of every breast,
And see the soul's most secret place;
Then close it fast, - and thus possess'd,
Cling to our friends with strict embrace"
(5.)Another from collections from the greek anthology
page 83-84
Let's see how we will be able to inspire each other!
Words By Editorial Team 
Read 1269 times
Written 2014-02-08 22:03
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Theme: Of your choice
Until the 14/02 the theme was kisses - the kiss
Time limit? This poetic challenge doesn't have a time limit
Poetic form: Triolet
The triolet is 8 lines long - ABaAabAB
The 1st line is repeated in the 4th & 7th line
The 2nd line is repated in the 8th line
Actual number of original lines = 5
feel free to experiment with the rhyme sheme
According to "The triolet is a short poem of 8 lines with only 2 rhymes used throughout. The 1st line is repeated in the 4th and 7th line; the 2nd line is repeated in the final line; and only the first two end-words are used to complete the tight rhyme scheme. Thus, the poet writes only five original lines, giving the triolet a deceptively simple appearance: ABaAabAB, where capital letters indicate repeated lines."
Your triolet doesn't have to rhyme as described above, just follow the repetition of the lines(1,4,7 2,8).
Optional: Add on your title the following (Triolet Challenge) in order to let other visitors know that you participate in the challenge and who knows they might feel inspired and join our writing challenge or read the rest of the contributions!
"Untitled by Robert Bridges
Of more than common friendliness
When first we met we did not guess
Who could foretell the sore distress,
The inevitable disaster,
When first we met? We did not guess
That Love would prove so hard a master."
We would like to begin this writing challenge with the following:
Each man by more than outward show.
To ope the door of every breast,
And see the soul's most secret place;
Then close it fast, - and thus possess'd,
Cling to our friends with strict embrace"
(5.)Another from collections from the greek anthology
page 83-84
Let's see how we will be able to inspire each other!