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Member since 2006-09-12
Has written 31 comments

Has received 43 applauds


i write what is forced from me.


38 years old from USA


nemesis with silver eyes (14) - 2008-10-20
she was never a queen (8) - 2008-09-28
clair de lune (12) - 2006-09-27

MY TEXTS, Archive 46 Texts

a baby's winter (4) - 2008-09-25
white inkblot (2) - 2008-08-07
a warm place. (5) - 2007-05-20
expanding all-seeing eye (3) - 2006-12-26
abused instrument (5) - 2006-12-16
don't ever date a man named Destruction (4) - 2006-12-13
winter horrors (6) - 2006-12-12
beauty feasts upon the relentless fire (3) - 2006-12-11
digging deep into invisible veins (2) - 2006-11-16
the overwhelming influence of (2) - 2006-10-26
the peaceful suffocation (8) - 2006-10-15
liars engulfed in fire - 2006-10-10
fulfilling an empty circle (3) - 2006-10-07
a tongue of flowers (7) - 2006-10-02
clair de lune (12) - 2006-09-27
flesh and coldness merge together (5) - 2006-09-26
apples and anxiety - 2006-09-24
chaos in love (8) - 2006-09-24
the inferno screaming below the tide (5) - 2006-09-24
a monster staring at her neck (4) - 2006-09-22

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