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MY TEXTS, Archive 233 Texts
ocean of love (2) - 2023-12-18
Parents (1) - 2023-12-18
Before me (2) - 2023-12-17
Snow (1) - 2023-12-17
Books (2) - 2023-12-16
You are busy (2) - 2023-12-15
My path (2) - 2023-12-15
Learning History (1) - 2023-12-14
Teacher-I (3) - 2023-12-13
How you know? (5) - 2023-12-03
The Great (2) - 2023-11-27
Sunday Morning (2) - 2023-11-25
Trouble (2) - 2023-11-25
That is how. (2) - 2023-11-24
My love (1) - 2023-11-24
Realms (4) - 2023-11-21
The W of writing (3) - 2023-11-21
good morning (4) - 2023-11-21
Writing (4) - 2023-11-20
Mom-son (Tanka) (1) - 2023-11-20
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