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TAG NAME Galiana

The plea of darkness Michel Galiana 2011-12-02
Though your voice (3) Michel Galiana 2010-11-16
Miracle gardens (1) Michel Galiana 2010-02-04
Blazon (1) Michel Galiana 2010-01-21
Almsgiving Michel Galiana 2009-08-10
Talent (1) Michel Galiana 2009-08-08
The wrestler Michel Galiana 2009-06-02
Unfinished word (1) Michel Galiana 2009-05-29
Emerald Forest Michel Galiana 2009-05-29
Conspucuous summit Michel Galiana 2009-05-09
Mermaid song N° 5 (3) Michel Galiana 2009-04-03
Cat at Night (1) Michel Galiana 2009-03-31
The Hag Ahes (1) Michel Galiana 2009-03-19
Ageing body Michel Galiana 2008-10-01
Geode Michel Galiana 2008-07-24
Ebbing (1) Michel Galiana 2008-07-03
The Gardener's daughter (2) Michel Galiana 2008-06-21
Another mermaid song Michel Galiana 2008-06-19
Window flowers Michel Galiana 2008-06-18
Persephone (1) Michel Galiana 2008-05-30

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