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Oneday (2) Bunny 2023-08-04
The Bright Morning Star (1) Ngoc Nguyen 2022-09-23
Dragging Days (4) Lady Courtaire 2021-01-06
Be kind, Little one. (3) Melody 2020-08-20
A Monologue on Free Will and Choice (1) Ngoc Nguyen 2018-05-18
Just a Dream Purple Puddles 2018-01-31
Remember (1) Peter S. Quinn 2018-01-23
Progress Survivor48 2016-09-11
Repetition Fueled Alcoholism (1) Survivor48 2016-09-07
Rainy Day Parade (7) Nathalia 2016-07-01
When the time comes. (2) John Ashleigh 2016-06-17
What now? (2) Sarah Parnes 2015-07-10
A new Age Sarah Parnes 2015-01-17
Don't Lose Hope Zelle 2014-10-13
My Kite Flies High Like Inky Dot In The Sky (1) Amim Akhter 2014-10-07
Winter Solstice poem, 2013 CE steward 2014-01-30
Hope (2) Bella738 2013-09-02
My Dearest Valentines Kiss Christoffer Waye 2013-02-23
Prudence is Holding Confidence (2) mvvenkataraman 2013-01-20
When God Embraces, Peace Surfaces mvvenkataraman 2012-10-24

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