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Come my love! (2) Boa Berg 2005-08-04
My Stars (2) Chantraine 2005-07-31
Night's Beautiful Love (1) Angelo 2005-07-31
Safe. (1) Miss unknown 2005-07-24
Your Love Makes Me Joyful (5) strangelady13 2005-07-23
.Indescribable. (3) strangelady13 2005-07-23
neologisms a-g (4) StillHoppin 2005-07-21
i would (9) StillHoppin 2005-07-14
THE BREATH of YOU ~ (3) LurieJune 2005-07-12
Oh Gentle Night, what Lips, what Eyes (5) myra 2005-07-11
Will it Be? (4) Jordanna 2005-07-10
Would You? (2) Jordanna 2005-07-10
For my Mom (3) Jordanna 2005-07-10
nostalgia: remember the flower (5) Amberlee Carter 2005-07-09
Dear John: I hate paper cuts (4) Amberlee Carter 2005-07-09
Because I could not compete with Skyscrapers and Swing Dancers (5) Amberlee Carter 2005-07-09
Explore (9) Mia. 2005-07-06
Follow Me (6) myra 2005-07-02
My Lovely Princess (1) Angelo 2005-06-29
After The Touch (3) Elizabeth 2005-06-28

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