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My Adventure (1) Parnika 2006-11-25
Portable Friend (3) Adrienne 2006-11-22
gone I !z 0b[s]cene! 2006-10-27
Lost Love (2) Rhett 2006-10-26
She's Sorry (4) Adrienne 2006-10-24
Confusion (1) Anne Westlund 2006-10-15
A Plant is a Vegetable that has Stopped Growing Anne Westlund 2006-10-12
Sunshine doesn't always take the clouds away Richard 2006-10-07
Lost upon the oceans of your blue eyes (5) pic Richard 2006-10-02
Wayfaerer gone astray (9) J. E. 2006-09-29
Decreasing Dream (3) Mikki 2006-09-22
The Road Ends Here (2) Kerra Dolarhyde 2006-08-07
in the shadows of my mind amy-leigh 2006-07-28
The Path (3) IronicBanana 2006-06-05
Wander (4) IronicBanana 2006-05-26
the ways you save me rentlover 2006-05-22
Chrushed (1) ChiLLie 2006-04-14
just a lonly moment... (1) ChiLLie 2006-04-14
lost in the dark (3) Hasani 2006-02-27
Life (2) Daniel 2006-02-09

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