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TAG NAME Depression

Give up on me (3) gemma 2007-05-12
Chronic dreaming (2) asshole 2007-04-04
Crying With A Smile (3) Tiffany 2007-04-02
Breaking Point (1) Surreal 2007-02-25
Too good to be true (1) gemma 2007-02-23
Depression (4) Parnika 2007-02-20
As Long as the Wind Blows (1) Surreal 2007-02-18
Etchings of Madness (11) Kathy Lockhart 2007-02-06
Sunbeams' Trance (12) pic Kathy Lockhart 2007-01-11
Dry Tears (1) Parnika 2006-12-24
Some Things Go Unsaid (12) Kathy Lockhart 2006-11-30
Getting up (2) Mikkel Mowinckel 2006-10-18
suicide (8) amy-leigh 2006-09-27
death, please welcome me. (5) amy-leigh 2006-09-07
an angels smile (6) amy-leigh 2006-09-07
Please Don't miss Me (1) laura 2006-08-24
No One's Knocking At My Door (18) Kathy Lockhart 2006-08-21
Coming Out of The Darkness (4) Marlene 2006-08-16
Bad Day (1) Parnika 2006-08-12
Solitude (4) Evelyn 2006-08-06

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