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Moments of rebirth (1) night soul woman 2013-12-22
Caterpillar (3) Morning Star 2013-09-04
Cool Soft Whisper (2) Morning Star 2013-08-05
Daffodil. (6) John Ashleigh 2013-04-16
Red Kite. (4) John Ashleigh 2013-04-05
Moonlight SecretWords 2013-03-30
Oh I S__e__e(haiku suite) (1) night soul woman 2013-03-24
Sunday. (6) John Ashleigh 2013-02-26
The other face of nature (2) zaipoems 2012-12-27
By the fireside. (7) John Ashleigh 2012-12-19
Red Acer. (4) John Ashleigh 2012-11-23
Wintertide. (4) John Ashleigh 2012-11-21
Spirit silver. (3) John Ashleigh 2012-11-14
Cold beauty. (2) John Ashleigh 2012-11-01
Golden Leaves (3) Morning Star 2012-10-21
The walk. (4) John Ashleigh 2012-10-10
Delicate Flowers (4) Morning Star 2012-08-23
A Dolphin Day (4) Morning Star 2012-08-08
The Immovable Mountain (2) Morning Star 2012-07-31
Key. (2) John Ashleigh 2012-07-19

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