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my imaginary centerfold (1) Earl Jackson 2006-09-18
the woman in a yellow robe Earl Jackson 2006-09-18
Comprehension (1) Caila Ihle 2006-09-06
I gaze into eyes bold and cold (2) Earl Jackson 2006-09-02
To My Mother (5) Earl Jackson 2006-08-29
Spirits Earl Jackson 2006-08-23
Night Earl Jackson 2006-08-23
My Crystal Rose (2) Earl Jackson 2006-08-21
Fetus (3) Earl Jackson 2006-08-21
The bird's song Earl Jackson 2006-08-21
Separation Earl Jackson 2006-08-21
Once upon a time in a dream Earl Jackson 2006-08-21
Pressure Earl Jackson 2006-08-21
The Towers (2) Earl Jackson 2006-08-20
You know my torment you hear my cry Earl Jackson 2006-08-20
In a place of shadows (1) Earl Jackson 2006-08-20