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Wasted. (1) gemma 2008-11-29
time pass (1) philip reis 2006-11-21
Administration: Checks and Balances (1) Coolaaron88 2006-11-17
Knowledge: The Golden Rule (5) Coolaaron88 2006-11-16
Agnostic Revisited Carey Lenehan 2006-11-04
RESPONSE: "Students are spoon fed the same old things..." (3) Justin M. 2006-10-25
First Day OF School (5) Valerie 2006-10-20
I'm sat here alone (4) gemma 2006-10-09
The Simple Things (3) Xuxa 2006-09-16
I Hate You (3) laura 2006-06-26
Boy Recycling Machines (5) Mary 2006-05-30
Another Dream (Part 1) (4) Lucas 2006-05-16
The Misunderstood Hell on Earth (14) Russell 2006-05-16
Of School (and the tragedy of those afflicted by it) (5) Lucas 2006-05-06
Yearbook Class (2) IronicBanana 2006-03-22
Miss! Miss! Esti D-G 2005-10-28
The Earthmama (1) Esti D-G 2005-10-28