It is about love and committment of 2 people that have promised themselves to each other and are still together even though they have
had it pretty rough. This is for all the people out there that are still finding a bit hard to hold on.

To Autumn,With Love

Season of mist and mellowed growth
With the falling leaves, to make room for the new
We stood together, and bestowed our oaths
Then came for the time to say 'I Do'

Love takes time, takes patience, it needs history
Of giving, receiving, it means believing in someone
Love does'nt attach conditions, it can be fun, full of mystery
It is a long time committment, not a short run

Love supposes a willingness to struggle, to suffer, to rejoice
It is dedicated to growing, it can' be rationed
Love is not selfish, it is given freely by choice
It is a free gift, and is given with great passion

There are times when miles lay between
But love is a committment that space can't divide
And for goodbyes, there is no need
Even though some may have tried

Sometimes love hurts, it has a way to instil great pain
But if we don't have emotions, as such
We don't have the pleasure of feelings and no gain
That special love between, and there's oh so much

Love can be firm, but when needed, can also be tender
It must be attentive, open, and caring
It can't be on lend, then returned to sender
As the good, the bad are all part of sharing

So keep true yourselves, may your love grow old
For you have come this far, and have done it together
For yesterday was silver, tomorrow may be gold
The past is behind, today is nearly over, but
the future is coming, and it looks like fair weather

Poetry by Kialee
Read 266 times
Written on 2006-06-12 at 09:40

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