This is for all the sons & daughters and their families that have had to go
through the unspeakable and unneccessary tragedy that we all hope will
never come to our doorstep.

Let Them Come Home, Let Them Be Found

Give their families peace, so closure can be done
They are the innocent, they're our future
What makes you do it, they are'nt for your pleasure
Why do you hurt our daughters & sons

Do you feel, are you human
Do you think of what you've done
Of the anguish, the horror, the pain
Maybe not to you, but it is all the same

Do you know what's left behind, what you've taken away
What right do you have to go out and prey
It's not just body, but heart and soul
Do you think that it's your role

How do you live with what you enjoy
To the many lives that's been destroyed
The power that you feel, the evil within
Knowing the precious lives you've stolen

Is there any inner self that exists
Knowing the pain you awaken as you prowl in our midst
Is that feeling of sorrow, guilt or grief
Or is it elation, satisfaction or relief

Do you feel, have any despair at all
Or perversly smile as you watch them fall
You are no person, you don't belong
You have no sensation or thought of right or wrong

So stay in your place of hell
And hope you suffer agony forever eternal
But let them come home, let them be found
Give their families some peace, so closure can be done

Poetry by Kialee
Read 299 times
Written on 2006-06-14 at 08:47

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