This was written for my mother, who has endured so much and has asked for so little.

To Mother, With Love

To My Mother
You are my friend, my mother
You have given me so much
And I so little, as such
I wouldn't want any other

For all the pain that you endured
And all the heartache given
I only wish you were spared
And I not forgiven

But in the time that has past
And there is where it should stay
The heartache and mistakes
Are laid to rest at last

So I say to you my friend, my mother
I am thankful there is no other
All the things that I hold dear
Are afar but still so near

From Your Friend, Your Daughter
Form No Other

Poetry by Kialee
Read 288 times
Written on 2006-06-16 at 02:43

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Zoya Zaidi
"The most beautiful word on the lips of mankind is mother"Khalil Gibran