Why is everone in such a hurry, why not take one step at a time and
take in what really is around us, we will all eventually get where we are supposed to be, only just a little slower.

Is Life Really Like That?

It was long ago, it seemed like yesterday
I remember the time, only to well
If that is a good thing, its hard to say
Then again, its not good to dwell

Up before the first ray of sun
Has time to burst upon one
And sucks up the only bit of moisture
Like a sponge absorbs water

Wondering what the day would bring
As the last of the fog lifts, the birds start to sing
Out with the stock, getting ready for the shed
Their high pitched calls, tells all, they want to be fed

But to their disgust, they're herded up the ramp
Pushing, shoving, it looks like a POW camp
Jammed in pens, like fish in a tin
Over their protests, the machines start with a mighty din

The gates start to open, they all cram to the back
But the first in front, is brought down like a sack
And its now you realize
And really look in their eyes

The fear, the terror
Could be a reflection
Could it be you, looking in the mirror
waiting for a new day to begin

Poetry by Kialee
Read 313 times
Written on 2006-06-18 at 02:03

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Zoya Zaidi
Yeah, it is sometimes nice to stop and smell the flowers.
**Hugs Kialee**

Welcome to the bay from my side!

Love, xx, Zoya