To my dear friend who lost her battle here on earth, but will never be forgotten.

In Memory of a friend

It's only been days, but we miss you already
Your sense of humour, your ready smile
Your love of live and children
Lets reminisce for awhile

People from all over
Will remember you
For the knowledge you instilled in them
No-one will doubt it's true

If a child was having trouble
You were always ready to jump
You gave your love and wisdom
You made sure they came up trumps

If an extra hand was needed
You were always willing to share
Our only wish today is
That you know how much we care

If only our loved ones could stay with us forever
If only we did'nt have to say goodbye
But we all have our memories of you, My Friend
Til we meet in the heavenly sky

Poetry by Kialee
Read 280 times
Written on 2006-06-12 at 22:16

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I feel you,my dear.Nothing can quite explain the rollercoaster of emotions of seeing a friend you loved so laying still and never wake up again.It is painful,it is deep but its all part of life.But I think the fact that she touched someone's life so much that to remember her is a joy is something she would be proud of.She left a legacy and I'm glad you shared it