Thank you



Just wanted to

thank you


For all the love

that you´re giving me

For making me

feel so special and



Also wanna to thank you

for being so sweet

and for always being there

for me


You are an easy man to love

since you´ve got such a big heart

I´ll always love you

and I´ll never make you feel blue

~that I can promise you~


I will continue to let my love for you

grow into higher levels

Just because you mean so much

to me...


So thank you

for being


and for

letting me

be Me



2007 © Jeanette Louridas



Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 673 times
Written on 2007-03-08 at 19:27

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Zoya Zaidi
'Thank you for being You!"
Welcome to the bay dear Hagzissa!
Love, Zoya