Happy where you are

The beauty

is to be found within

How your smile's making sparkles in your eyes

Tender is the touch

that builds up a happy tear

Providing a certain softness in every word you say

that I do love so much to hear



is what I've found in you

Peace in a restless soul

within the heart that is oh so true


Harmony is where you are

And love is the creation we make

where everyday is new


Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 1455 times
Written on 2008-04-15 at 17:57

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Very calming and well written piece.
Enjoyed the feelings of tranquility and tenderness (TNT)
this write produced..

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
a lovely and heartfelt poem, expressing much happiness

Elle x

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hi there jeanette welcome back to the bay your poem and your ability has not wained in the meantime welcome and bookmark you on this

Kathy Lockhart
Jeanette, it is so good to read your beautiful from the heart poetry. This is another example of your fine talent as a poet. It soothes me and excites me with it's beauty. : ) kathy