

If I saw you

in what used to be

Saw the beauty

in those chestnut-brown eyes

that sparkled like million medals

from the horizon where the sun

always used to rise


If I see you

in the time we call now

I see the most beautiful sparkle

of joy in your eyes

Those who makes everyday

shimmer like all the crystals in the sky


Cause when I see you

in what used to be

and in the time we call now


Feeling a tremendous gratitude

by just being here

with you


Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 1364 times
Written on 2008-04-21 at 20:03

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May I show some gratitude too, to you for your return and this fine write

Thanx for Sharing

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
a wonderful accoladeto the beauty you see in a loved one and the fire in your heart becomes a blaze to worm us here well done jeanette rgds Mike