I wrote this one to the wonderful man in my life. Wasn´t going to publish it but then he thought I should so here goes.....
Declaration of love
Far away
in day-dreamingland
You and me
sitting in the sand
Watching the oceans
untamed waves
Interesting watching
how it behaves
~looking out over the horizone~
Feeling my love for you
are just like the wave
Rising and rising and then
totally flushing over me
with uncontrolled power
And that´s when I say:
It´s big
It´s magical
Even on the verge
of hysterical
And I´m loving it
Just as much as
I love You
2007 © Jeanette Louridas
Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 675 times
Written on 2007-03-10 at 12:03