
Like the heart that´s

hanging around my neck

Reminds me of you

I feel a love

so warm and

so true


Never met a love

like this before

But I know

you are the one

I adore


~want you more and more ~


You make me feel

alive and complete

Fills my body

with sparkling heat


You´ve found the key

to my inner door

Could call you my own

emotional jewelry-store


Looking at the stars


and with a silk glove

I will treasure our love




2007 © Jeanette Louridas

Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 783 times
Written on 2007-03-10 at 21:43

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betsy Firefly
Is there anything like loving someone with all of your heart?

Smiling a shy smile here because this love poem is so tenderly yours and I love it so!