It's about this beautiful lady whom I saw lying cold and dead. She was more beautiful from the inside than the outside and was very very dear to me. I have her in my memories and try to imbibe all her good qualities as much as I can. She was an angel on


I've been watching her age so gracefully,
I've been noticing her for the last, so many years.
Her peaceful face
Those forgiving eyes
The content smile
Oh! she's a God-sent,
And I'm so lucky to be around her.
Her now silver hair, once so thick and black
Still they shine and glow.
Her wrinkled skin reminds me,
Of all the hard work she used to do.
She was a beautiful angel in her youth;
The charisma still remains on her face.
A wonderful soul for what she was
None could complain 'bout her.
Today, here she lays
Resting in her God-given bed
On the way to heaven
And still looking as beautiful, peaceful
And content as ever.

Poetry by Jyothi Nair
Read 250 times
Written on 2007-03-13 at 14:11

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