This one is dedicated to my husband whom I've been married for, over a decade now. We have grown together, learnt from each other, and become better human beings from what I see.


True colours I see in you
The warmth, care, love and understanding
Which is so very true.
I see it flow
Unconditionally and immensely
Right from your heart.

Today we have our parents with us
Tomorrow we'll have our children
Sometime in life they'll all be gone
With you for me
And me for you:
Just the both of us
Would be there for each other
For eternal love and peace
Only we'll be there to
Respect each other till death.

As days slowly pass
I feel more strongly
About 'our oneness'
You are so much a part of me today
Tomorrow, I'd be a nobody without you.

You are my strength,
You're my every emotion,
You're my love,
My dear most love,
I cannot explain.

I feel like a star, without the twinkle
I feel like a bird, without wings
I feel like a stream, without water
I feel like a child, who's lost it's most precious toy
"Without You around"
There's no inspiration,
No fun!

Poetry by Jyothi Nair
Read 233 times
Written on 2007-03-13 at 14:21

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