A mother- son relationship is very, very special, in my opinion. I as a daughter may never know.


She's deserted
She's lonely
She's bold
She's jolly.

The man she loved, no more exists
The man she loves, still exists.

But the man left her
What belonged only to them;
Both of them equally
Now she din't have to share
For a long long time

But time came by
Where she had to share again
Not with another equally
But with a few others

Has her share decreased?
Yes it has, in terms of time and attention
But her lit'l share is still the very special
For the lit'l time and attention
She still gets and will always continue getting
Till her end!

Poetry by Jyothi Nair
Read 267 times
Written on 2007-03-13 at 14:31

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