Sometimes it's nice to go back in rejuvanates me and my thoughts. I still feel as young as a teenager.


As I was driving down
For the first time
On a holiday with family and friends,
In nine years of my marriage
Hoping it would be a special trip of remembrance
In my old age

Driving down the coast
I was driving back to memory lane
Still the road I love the most, in town.

The road once terribly rough and bumpy
Now so smooth and beautiful

Those were the days, I used to go
With friends so dear and near

Some of them there, some of them here
Some of them no more

Loud music, fun and laughter
A little bit of romance
I know I was a lot naughtier.

Such carefree lives, such fun times
Some I can never forget.

Wish I could bring back those days
Those days of freedom

Those days of being innocent and naïve
Nothing to be bothered about really

Never thought of marriage and kids
Never thought of sicknesses
Never thought of what to cook
Never thought of being diplomatic
Never thought of me in such a mature role

Responsible......well I guess
It was meant to happen

In time, it did
How life was taken for granted
Why life alone? Everything.....

Today after so many years
I cherish and enjoy looking back
Memories of the past

Wonderful life, God had blessed me with
Still am blessed

Now married, so different
Yet wonderful
I'm still smiling ***

Poetry by Jyothi Nair
Read 273 times
Written on 2007-03-13 at 14:36

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