


Walking in the Valley of Dreams

Flooded by water of joy

Filled with a world of happy-themes


Dancing in the Alley of Silence

Covered in delight

With no need for defence


Sleeping in the World of Embrace

Covered in cotton

Touched by the Morning Grace


~ And all I can see is your face ~



 2007 © Jeanette Louridas

Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 752 times
Written on 2007-03-18 at 10:25

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I enjoyed it very much, it is a bit short, perhaps more of the fluttery actions can add to more of the beautiful emotions that cause the person for which you wrote,

~And all I can see is you~

to be special. It always helps when the feelings linger and float around you longer, then we can appreciate more the happy joyful rays in it.

Great job!

Auterkeia Nihil

P.s. Check out some of mine too, share your feedback.

it's deep one
loved its way