Living the good life



Life is good



Hasn`t always been

but it`s good now


And it`s all

thanks to you


I`ve suffered

I`ve been hurt

I`ve been torn into pieces


But I`ve single-handed

put myself together again

~piece by piece~


I`m me

simply because I`ve chosen

to be me


I`ve shaped me

Created me


I had no-one to guide me

had to find my own way

Took some really bad turns sometimes

but somehow managed

to get back on the right track again

A bit bruised but stronger

than before


But now....


Now life is good


And it`s all

thanks to you




2007 © Jeanette Louridas



Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 783 times
Written on 2007-03-28 at 21:17

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This poem was a bit scary I think, Its like you had written about how my life has been in the past. But not at all a bad poem..I LOVE it!!! Everyone should be "Living the good life"!!!!
Thank you for shearing this great piece of poetry..



nice text
as always

Kathy Lockhart
this is a powerful strong piece of self! I adore it and i have bookmarked it for I know what it is like to rediscover oneself.