


Surrounded by roses

shaped like hearts




With a touch of tenderness

they release the chains


The chains of the impossibility

and opens the door

to the opportunity




Life is right in front of you

The happiness is there too

you just have to open your eyes

cause it`s not always where

you would expect it to be....


But it`s there.....


Thought I would be safer

living without love

Cause love has caused me

nothing but pain

in the past....


But now....

the love I`m experiencing...

It`s big

It`s glorious

It`s emotionally overwhelming


And it`s mine


Looking outside

as the sun is rising


And I see....


~The future~


 2007 © Jeanette Louridas




Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 1269 times
Written on 2007-03-30 at 07:31

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See my comments and impressions....
I have commented on the things i
like in particular. Your text has a
magnetic rythm and a strong content.
I like it! / danshäxan :-)


Surrounded by roses

shaped like hearts
(beautiful start)


With a touch of tenderness

they release the chains
(this is lovely - like a prisoner getting free)

The chains of the impossibility

and opens the door

to the opportunity
(good follow up... with the door to opportunity)


Life is right in front of you
(like this line!)

The happiness is there too

you just have to open your eyes

cause it`s not always where

you would expect it to be....

But it`s there.....

Thought I would be safer

living without love
(really strong two lines above)

Cause love has caused me

nothing but pain

in the past....

But now....

the love I`m experiencing...

It`s big

It`s glorious

It`s emotionally overwhelming

And it`s mine

Looking outside

as the sun is rising

And I see....

~The future~
(happy ending - feels good)

betsy Firefly
I just adore swans - as I did your lovely poem!

yes i agree living without love
is nothing
what a wonderful poem
great sense

Kathy Lockhart
What a beautiful piece of artistic expression through your words and this photo. The heart shape created by these two swans is a lovely sight. I was struck by it as soon as I opened your page. And, then the sweetest, most sincere words that followed were pure pleasure to read. This I bookmark.

How marvelous! This is a fine piece. It has such a well crafted and original style! I love the italicized undertone and spacing, it all worked so well!

A really nice poem about love. And the picture..I love it!! A greatly written poem!!!



what a beautiful poem .. so nice the way it opens and folds ... telling opf hope and love ..

happy for your love that has surrounded you and made the future a baeutiful place

I bookmark this

best wishes